Nature’s songs

Nature’s songs are willingly sung by birds. They fill the early mornings at sunrise with the wakening chirps that let you know the day is about to begin. They call out the harmonies that ripple throughout the trees as the day warms to fullness. And they serenade the falling sun as the day finally drifts into night.

I love birds. All birds. I have no exceptions.

Every time I hit the trails, I watch for them and try to catch a glimpse through my lens, as they rest, or fly, or prepare themselves for whatever they are about to do next. Here are a few of my captures at Lake Hancock the other day. I hope you enjoy!

For me the biggest news that broke yesterday was not more idiotic scheming from the “dotard” in the White House, or another blackface picture from Trudeau’s past, or the rants of that pathetic Brexit Prime Liar in England.

Those stories may indeed have drowned out the real story of the day grabbing all the main headlines. But the true story, quite possibly the story of our lifetime was carried lower down the listing by CNN and BBC …. that since 1970, we have reduced the bird population in the US by a staggering 29%.

Our complete lack of awareness of the implications of this is staggering to me. That 3 Billion birds less are now in the skies across North America in just 50 years is a staggering indictment of how destructive humans have become to the very planet we live on.

What is the threshold upon which we humans will finally react? When will we stand up to the greed of industry and move to protect the environment that these little creatures (and indeed all creatures) rely on.

Why do we allow deforestation and oil drilling and fracking and pipelines on the world’s most precious preserves just to fill the pockets of a few and the ego of one.

I find it stunning that the biggest story of my lifetime was buried in the afterthoughts of a news system that is far from fake but clearly badly focused. Here is the story (in case you missed it altogether)

I will go back on the trails again tomorrow and with a little luck I will take more pictures of these wonderful winged creatures. But how dreadful to think that at this rate, our grandchildren and their children will only have these pictures to reflect on.

A reflection of mass extinction and the greedy bastards that frankly don’t give a damn.

One thought on “Nature’s songs”

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