Poor Lola grew incessantly bored with my failed attempts to find something to shoot this weekend. So she becomes the single image in today’s blog.
I had just copied over some blah images to my PC and was checking them out when I looked to my right and there she was; taking an essential nap, as cats often do.

So I know a single-image blog is a rather unusual event from me, but I’m afraid that is all this Monday morning is about to offer.
In truth I went down by the lake this morning but apart from the fact that heavy cloud cover stole any chance of morning colors, every place that I normally go to was shut off.
I find it strange that places like trails and lake access have been systematically closed across Florida, but thank gawd we have a governor that deems churches (venues of mass congregation) and gun stores (provisions for mass shootings) as essential services.
That such a position is tenable anywhere is a clear indication of how idiotic and distorted, red states like Florida have become.
Lock-downs and stay-at-homes are great ideas and have proven to be effective in helping to turn the tide. But taking away the chance to walk by oneself or simply take in a view, while helping those who want to get closer to their god or load their guns so they can bring us closer to ours … well frankly that is simply Floridumb.
I understand how politics have radicalized us all in recent times, but this is about common sense, not politics.
If there was ever a time to come to one with nature, this is it. Forcing us to step away from the rat race presents a wonderful opportunity to help us commune with nature. Natural trails and lakes provide us with an excellent opportunity to engage in social distancing, while filling our souls with much-needed nourishment.
But no. Apparently we are supposed to only sit in front of the TV or internet, in between visits to church and the gun store.
But hey, at least the governor had the “sense” to keep the beaches open for spring breakers. I mean, that was REALLY important, right? Spring breakers brought money and after all that is what red state politics has devolved to … gods, guns, and money.
For anyone left with common sense, the gravity of almost 50,000 deaths has been weighed against red interests and we just shake our heads.
We only get a voice every four years and so in between elections, we grimace at our own failures and the success of those gun-totin’, god-fearin’, money-grabbin’ folk who form a very vocal minority.
And yes, I said “minority” because each time those folk have won power in the past twenty years, they have done so with less votes than the losers.
So, if this is a democracy, where is our actual voice?
In fairness, the most vocal of blue folk are the young bernie-beings and those lazy fucks never bother to show up on election day. They bitch and moan at rallies but come election day they sit at home smoking weed and playing video games, while the old, white racists and misogynists arrive in bus-loads from their suburban and country homes.
Is it any wonder then, that this piece-of-shit old Irish boy can’t find anywhere to take pictures on a weekend? I shouldn’t have been surprised. Lola clearly wasn’t … she felt napping was definitely essential.