I was in the middle of watching a number of back-to-back Weird Al music videos last night and my mood was in a definite happy-go-lucky place.
Then, out of the blue, Ashlee’s Dad reach out to me and told me that she was dead and in a moment, the world suddenly stopped turning.
Ashlee was a dear friend who lived with me for a month or so a while back and to lose her so suddenly in a tragic road incident was mind-numbing.
Her Dad and I spoke for a few minutes and when I hung up, I just sat there alone in silence and so many thoughts rushed through my head.

A huge storm blew in out of nowhere and the whole house was engulfed in darkness and torrential rain that lasted about a half hour and, as Morgan pointed out, it totally suited the mood.
Happiness can be a fleeting emotion and nothing steals it away like the loss of someone special.
And Ashlee was very special. She had a lovely soft side with a big heart and an even bigger smile. She will be greatly missed.
it is difficult to come to grips with any sudden loss and it always leaves so many questions unanswered. Her parents are wonderful people and my heart goes out to them at this moment.
Short blog, this one. But I just wanted to point out why the world is slightly less whole today.
R.I.P. Ashlee