Outside of the box

On Saturday we found ourselves back down in Englewood with Vel again. But this time, we were there to catch the annual offshore race.

Winds were high which unfortunately resulted in them cancelling the last races which would have involved what they called “Big Boats”. We saw them on their trailers ready for the day but they never made it into the water, which was a real shame.

Here are some of the pics from the parking lot and I can fully understand why the risk of high winds damaging these was the right decision to cancel their race.

In any event we still got to watch three of the earlier races with the “smaller” boats and they were still gorgeous and provided more than enough excitement to justify having gone there.

Truth is, any time with Vel is a joy anyway so even if all the races had been cancelled we would still have had a fun time.

We had a little beer and BBQ after the watching and hung with some cool people. Yes, there was a couple of the assholes that you’d expect drawn to an event like this, but in the main, they were good people.

By the time we got back home that evening we were thrilled with the day and hope sometime to get back to see the big boats in the water. I imagine that is quite a sight.

I hope you enjoy what I did get, which is at the end of the blog. I wasn’t entirely thrilled with my camera settings but it is a different experience than shooting nature so I will forgive myself this one time.

Hope you enjoy!

The thought that settled into my brain for this blog was along the lines of how sometimes we find ourselves with an opportunity to step outside of our comfort zone and experience something we normally wouldn’t.

We will often decide to stay within our own world and decline the opportunity based on some pre-disposition or bias. For example in this instance, I knew I would come across maga morons (and they were there in abundance) and be thrown into somewhat of a redneck world.

As the police officer told me earlier in my day, this was the rich end of the red-neck world where “boys with their toys” got to compare dick size to the deep roar of big engines and the thrills of an open sea.

On an intelligence level, I frown heavily on the mental acuity of such an activity, but allowing your brain to settle on that bias is both snobbish and self-defeating.

There is a lot to be enjoyed at events like these and just because we disagree with the politics or the culture, is not a good enough reason to forego it.

I loved every moment of the experience. When the Trump morons started I told them I was a staunch democrat and that talking politics wasn’t a good idea. When the country music blared loudly from the dumb pick-up truck with over-sized wheels, I just walked to a different part of the lot.

We don’t need to let our own bias and predispositions steal the joy from us to where we can only function in the reading room of the local library.

Stepping out of the box occasionally is a good decision. We find ourselves standing shoulder to shoulder with those on the other side. We smile along with people we otherwise deride and together (for a while at least) we get to share a common ground that seems so elusive these days.

Defining our world into factions that are black and white and always talking about the other side as being evil, is a symptom of a world that has been divided to our own detriment.

Do I wish I could have slapped some of them upside the head for their mindless beliefs? Yes. But most of them would have loved to do the same to me and felt justified in so doing. There were more of them than me anyway, lol, so that thought didn’t linger too long in my head.

I guess what I am trying to say here is that we shouldn’t spend every waking hour doing things that keep us in our comfort zone. Every now and then we should break bread with the plebs.

We might even find that we enjoy the taste of it!

… just a thought.

Opportunity Knocks

With Pete still here from England, I had the chance to go back out on a trail with him yesterday morning and with Inna’s extra eyes to help spot things us old fogies would miss, we were well set up for a good day of picture taking.

It turned out to be another fun trail and the early highlights were these amazing butterflies that were flitting around a bush that I spotted while waiting for them to arrive.

It was great fun trying to follow and catch focus and however long I ended up waiting felt like less than a minute.

Apart from all the wonderful birds we spotted along the way, we also caught a number of baby alligators and had the added joy of seeing one with a catch in his mouth that frankly looked too big for the little guy to swallow. I hope he was able to figure out a way to make a meal of it. He clutched to it as a sacred possession and when he deemed I was getting too close and might take it off him, he swam away.

The occasional cloud cover and the sun’s low angle proved to be the challenge to overcome but before I even get into how they formed the thought for today’s blog, take a peek here at one image I got around five in the morning as I drove over the home to let the cats out. It is hand-held and opportunistic in nature, but worth the view, I think.

Each glimpse of the moon seemed to only last a few seconds as clouds floated by, and most of the shots I took were awful. But this one came out cool, I thought.

Anyway, all the main images from the trail are at the end of the blog and I hope you enjoy!

So, the thought that occurred to me (hence this blog) really formed in my head towards the first part of the trail. We encountered a large number of turtles basking in the early morning sun and just to the right of where they sat, was a lovely alligator sprawled along a length of fallen log.

I wanted to take the shot but the position of the sun made everything so dark and when I tried to go up a path that would have allowed me to shoot from the other side, they had that section of the trail closed (some idiot was caught throwing things at a mommy gator as she watched over her young … I hate people sometimes). In any event, as I couldn’t get anywhere to take the shot, I realized that though on the outset it looked like an opportunity for a cool pic, it really wasn’t.

There were a few such instances later on where on first glance there seemed to be a shot available to take but in reality there was either no clear view or the sun was behind what I wanted to shoot.

Hence the thought that sometimes we think that opportunity is knocking and it genuinely isn’t. At least, not for us.

In real-life, such situations happen where it looks like we might have a chance to do something but due to other circumstances, we find ourselves unable to act.

For example, someone tells you about a super investment opportunity but at that moment you don’t have the funds.

I have written before about how we need to be able to take opportunities as they arise, but it is also very important to be able to walk away when the opportunity isn’t right for us at that moment in time.

Many will rue the opportunity missed and chastise themselves for ages afterwards. Others will try to take the opportunity and find themselves unable to deliver and they experience a real failure that sets them back a bit.

So really, it is all about timing and circumstance when it comes to opportunity. Just as being in the right place at the right time is important to recognize, so too is the wrong time important to understand. We need to be confident enough in our moment to be able to walk away and to do so without recrimination.

Life rarely presents just a single opportunity to us. The skill involved is recognizing which one is right for us when we are offered them.

… just a thought!


Pete has been visiting from England this week and Wednesday we set off together along the Lake Hancock trail at Circle B.

It was unusual to be on a trail in the middle of a work week and it proved to be a gorgeous morning to experience the peace and quiet that this Wednesday brought on the trail. We were slightly behind breakfast time, because the stupid clock had gone back and apparently wildlife hadn’t been informed of the change. So, most of the hunting and catching was over by the time we got there.

Part of me was quite relieved at that, as I have found that the initial excitement of seeing one of these marvelous hunters catch their food is quickly followed by a deep sympathy for the poor creature that has just become food for another.

I am fully conversant with the whole circle of life and I know that, other than by humans, almost all killing is being done in the name of survival and sustenance.

It is a logic that I really do understand; I just feel bad for those towards the bottom of the food chain.

So, Wednesday’s excursion felt quite different in that respect and while I still saw most of the usual suspects, none of them were involved in consuming another at the time. There was still a very slight chill in the air, so most of the cold-blooded creatures like Alligators and Turtles were absent from the trail, so our main trills came from watching the variety of feathered friends that graced the trees and waters around us.

I got some decent shots of many of them and even a couple of decent pics of a wayward Raccoon that was shuffling through the scrub at the side of the lake, trying to be inconspicuous.

They are at the end of the blog and I hope you enjoy!

In the meantime, the thought that formed the basis for this blog really began with the raccoon, and other creatures that partially hid behind obstacles like branches and leaves. These are the kind of obstacles that cause havoc with the camera’s autofocus and forced my hand into seeking manual focus remedies.

If it is a slow moving or stationary creature, I can generally capture a good manual focus with sharp results. For example, the Night Heron that was about a hundred feet away partially hidden behind the surrounding branches and foliage. Not only did I get some decent shots of him but I used the partially hidden perspective to my advantage by focusing purely on the eye and then making it seem that he was peering out while trying to be unseen.

But when it came to the raccoon, he kept moving and my speed of focus was dismal to the point where I took probably 15 different pictures but only three or four came out with a focus that I would accept.

The other real challenge was that the sun was still quite low in the sky and many of the creatures that we could see were taking up positions between us and the sun. Ideally you want the sun behind you and falling perfectly on the subject and this gives the most vibrant and clear image. But trying to maneuver into a position where we could get out from behind the creature was almost impossible as they were lakeside and we were getting lost in the trees and shrubs around them.

Don’t get me wrong, this didn’t take an iota from my enjoyment of the adventure but it certainly did make me work harder to get what I got. And that is ok. Hard work adds a gloss to every success we get along the way.

In this case, I am well versed in understanding my limitations in photography. I know things that I can do well and those I can’t and I am probably not likely to improve beyond the current skill level I am at between now and when I die.

But in the larger scheme of things, our limitations are often unknown to us. We try things that fail. We don’t try things that we could have succeeded at. We all like to imagine that we are the best at what we do. I am the best driver, the best worker, the best husband, etc.

When we are in our twenties we sometimes even lead ourselves into believing that we can almost walk on water. It gives us a self-belief that forms the basis of whatever career path we choose, whatever circles we move in, and whatever adventures we follow.

Some fools carry this illusion into their forties and fifties, and the extremely foolish into their sixties and seventies (think Trump, for example).

But most of us see the cracks in our veneer and realize that at the end of the day we are only human. We are flawed creatures and rarely the best at anything.

This is one of the main reasons that humility becomes a benchmark by which we can measure ourselves and others. Avoid those older folk that still have the jeezez-complex. Their delusions are dangerous.

In reality, limitations are a constructive part of our existence. Personal limitations often form the boundaries we live within our lives. While we may grow experience and skills that make us better performers along the way, our limitations are immovable. And that’s ok. We are not gods and wishes don’t come true. We are who we are and need to find our happiness within those boundaries.

Yes, there are limitations placed on us by others that also can limit our lives but those are different. For example, we may be living in a world that doesn’t allow a woman to attend school and therefore she remains to a large degree uneducated. But is that her limitation?

I think the bottom line in understanding limitations is understanding how to live with them. A continued struggle against them is the foundation for unhappiness and this is what we need to be careful of.

Dante was wrong when he wrote that the door to hell is inscribed with “Abandon all hope, ye who enter here.” That is the sign that exists over the door to life.

Because hoping beyond one’s limitations is truly a fool’s errand.

… just a thought.

Reflection – Deception

Being on the trail yesterday at mid-day was a rather unusual event for us. Historically, the trails are more enjoyable early morning because of temperature and people, but with the clock going back and a 25th hour of the day to play with, we decided what the hell.

The temperature was stunning anyway and we avoided the people as much as we could, deriding those that made noise and making directional decisions based on where the people weren’t.

That time of the day and the trail we ended up on, changed the mix of creatures and what they were doing as opposed to what I normally see first thing in the morning.

There was almost no hunting and eating and lots of resting and catching the rays. So, in other words, there were a lot of cold-blooded creatures out there. I can’t remember ever seeing more turtles in one day, for example. I thought they only came out on Tuesday (Turtle Tuesday lol). But they were there in abundance.

There was even the tiniest of turtles on display. I A little guy no bigger than a couple of inches. He deserved special mention so I am putting his image first here:

Not that there is anything wrong with putting images at the end of the blog; which is where the rest are! Enjoy.

Anyway, it was actually a couple of these images that gave me the specific thought that has dogged my mind and become the topic for today’s blog. You will see the gorgeous alligator lying full length on the log (hence reflection) and the jumping spider at the very end with the fake face on his abdomen (hence deception).

Over the years, I have been very big on the notion of self-reflection. It has been a mainstay in my approach to life. I believe it helps us grow as humans, where we draw from our past and improve ourselves along the journey.

If you don’t do it, then do. Take a moment and look at who you are and how you got here. Look at the things you have done and the people that have played a role in your life to date and try to get to the point where you know who you are and why you do what you do.

It is quite a liberating feeling.

But (isn’t there always a “but”?) be careful when you do this that you aren’t inherently unhappy with life at the moment. Deception can live in our memories and make the past seem better than the present and it can truly unravel us if we spend to much time comparing one to the other.

It is why I hate seeing pictures of our past. Photographs where everyone is smiling and the times look wonderful. Yet, we all know that chances are someone said “Smile” as the picture was taken and so these images are hardly an accurate representation of the lives we were living.

The problem with being inherently unhappy with our present is that we look for happiness elsewhere in our lives and so we become even more dissatisfied when we find it in our past and begin to long for the “good ol’ days”.

I have been stuck in a bad place for quite a while now and it has really hampered my ability to draw from the past where I wasn’t such a failure. Finding success in your past is hugely counterproductive to our sense of self-worth and when we find ourselves in a bad present, the place to look for success and happiness is actually in the future.

We need to find a path that we think might lead us onto more solid ground and happiness, and imagine ourselves in that moment. Give ourselves a feeling of happiness based on the person we might hope to be and not the person we once were.

This is how we establish a goal and a forward looking view that will ultimately point us in a better direction.

Happiness should never be just a memory.

… just a thought!


Yesterday was a simply a divine weather day here in Florida. It would have been impossible to design one that improved on what we were presented with.

The week itself was fucking dire, so the decision to walk away and head to the beach was about as easy a decision as I have ever had. We made Honeymoon Island the destination of choice and got there just after the Friday morning rush hour was over. That translated into a pretty small number of cars in the parking lot and there were several moments that followed where we had a section of the beach to ourselves.

I took a number of shots along the way and I have included a number at the end of this blog that hopefully shows you the kind of morning we had there.

Hope you enjoy.

In the meantime, the thought for the blog today actually occurred to me while I was there. The contrast between the week I had been experiencing and the life that existed just a few miles away made me realize that it is often in our own power to effect a change in what we are experiencing.

More often than not it is our choice to keep engaging in the battle that consumes us and we mostly do so because we are hoping to somehow win (or at least reduce the loss). But sometimes we can’t really do either and we just have to take the kick in the balls and walk away.

I am not saying that we immediately take a loss and walk away. But I think it is appropriate to take stock of how deep the fight has become and what we are doing to our loves in the process by staying in it.

None of these fights (even the ones we win) leave us without scars and often affect not just us but everyone around us.

In my instance, the poor kitties have barely seen me this week as I have being wrestling with the shit falling in on me. And when they have seen me, I have generally been in a low or even bad mood.

That they still love me at all is testament to their willingness to put up with all my human frailties … bless their little hearts.

So, when we engage in a battle, we must be cognizant of what is happening around us. It is easy to focus purely on the fight itself. We try to win. We try to stop the blood flow. We try to mitigate the loss. Whatever we are trying, we give up something else that we aren’t trying to do.

Those who love us, tend to lose our battles alongside us and we need to be aware of that. They feel our hurt and pain and sometimes, they even lose more than we do because after the loss, we find a way to recover, while they are left in the hurt on something they had no recourse to affect.

I guess what I am trying to say is that yes, we should fight and resist within reason. But be aware that beyond the fight itself, we have so much more to lose.

… just a thought!

Beginnings and Endings

We went to Circle B yesterday. The weather has started to turn autumnal and even though it was a late-in-the-morning decision, it was lovely to get out in the freshness and not worry about heat and such.

This morning is even cooler (as I write) and if anything spells trail-time, it is Florida autmn/winter/spring weather. It’s the time of the year when you are glad you live here.

Anyway, it was a beautiful morning for the walk and they finally opened up the one last section of trail that had been closed for alligator mating season a few months back, so that’s where we headed.

There were too many people there for it to be idyllic but we still had an awesome time. The number of great blue herons was staggering, and we found a couple that had managed to grab a late breakfast (poor fish). But we also saw a gorgeous red breasted hawk and his cousin, the Osprey, sitting on the opposite side of the trail as if they were engaged in some kind of a conversation.

But the highlight had to be seeing the teenie new alligators that couldn’t have been more than nine inches long. Some of them didn’t even seem to have their eyes open yet and they just clung to blades of grass to stop themselves falling into the water.

Apart from the 7 or 8 thousand steps it added to my day, it was good to get back out again. It has been a miserable few months or so and feeling the fresh air, seeing nature happily unaware of my own failings, was a true godsend.

Got some cool pics along the way and some of them are at the end of this blog. Hope you enjoy!

It was later in the day when I stopped and thought about what I had seen and how it played into how I felt. And that is where the “beginnings and endings” thought came from. The beginning of life for those gorgeous babies and the end of life for those poor catfish.

Yes, we too have one beginning and one ending, but the reality is that if we dig a little deeper into our life, we realize we actually have many. Things start and end on a relatively high frequency around us and stages of our lives are no exception.

I’ve done this before, where I look back at my life and see how many versions of myself there have been. I mean, technically you could argue that there are thousands as each day brings new experiences and we adapt to meet them.

But on a real level, I can look back and find six or seven versions of me where I truly am a different person. For each of us there is at least one version of ourselves as the child but unless you are a republican, you probably grew out of that one. For me, I can see moments where life took dramatic seismic shifts and I was a different person after than before. College, Marriage, Children, Career, etc.

I won’t go into mine; it’s bad enough that I know the person I was, without sharing my failings on this platform. But I wanted to take a moment and acknowledge that sometimes this change is voluntary and sometimes forced upon us, so oftentimes were not even in control of how or when we change.

For each beginning in life there is an end. And I have reached such an end these past few months. I haven’t found the next beginning yet but I am looking. At the very end, there is no new beginning and that’s ok.

You see, we spend most of our existence, locked in the middle; somewhere between “once upon a time” and “happily ever after”. So, that is what defines us and where we draw our wins and losses from.

Owning our own failures and even leaning from them, is one of the key mechanisms to finding a new beginning. It is very difficult to move forward into a new passage of our lives until we have drawn something from the last passage. It would be like reading the next chapter of a book and not remembering anything of the chapters before this one.

Even though I used the phrase “happily ever after” above, for most of us, the end comes in the shape of a simple “The End” and the credits start rolling. And that’s ok too. The next stage of our life doesn’t always have to be better than the last. It would be nice if it was, but reality oftentimes takes us away from a happy time and into a sad. How we deal with that transition is our mark of achievement or failure.

I guess what I am trying to say here is quite simple. We shouldn’t be overly affected by a change in life, even when it takes us away from a phase we enjoyed.

Life decays. That is its design and our job is to live with the decay and make the most of it.


It was a quiet weekend and everything seemed to be just recovering from last week’s hurricane. Not that it did any damage here; it didn’t. It was just that everything seemed a bit more soaked than normal.

In fact, I commented to Inna yesterday how it seemed that the hurricane was never even here. Florida is a lot of things but intimidated by hurricanes, it is not. People just get back up and at it as soon as things start to restore.

I wasn’t in a great place in my head this week, so the only camera grab I did was to wander around the yard a little and capture a few of the things that were happening there.

Everest followed me around for a while, wondering what I was up to and even stopping long enough to allow me to talk one pic of her.

The most significant of my finds was probably this gorgeous red-breasted hawk that landed for a moment high in the trees above and screamed until I found her. It was so difficult to even find her among the lush trees but her screaming eventually narrowed my focus and I found her about fifty feet overhead.

But not everything was significant, as my attention was drawn to foliage and even a tiny parasol mushroom that was giving its all under a leaf, in its short little life.

The reminders of Mrs Brisby’s visit a few years back were there again; as the ginger pinecones gave recurring annual evidence as to where she spent some of her nights. And while looking at them, Inna pointed out the small movement of a tiny frog that reacted to my intrusion of his peaceful moment.

Anyway, I added some pics at the end of this blog. The two of the teenie frog are just phone pics so don’t expect anything special.
Either way, I hope you enjoy.

The thought that formed over my meandering and the day that followed was in relation to how significance depends on how we view it. You see, some of us, plant and animals, assume significance based on our stature or beauty. Perhaps even our color, like the ginger pinecones that stand out against their lush green surrounds.

And sometimes, significance is given to us by others based on an action that we do or fail to do.

But the truth is that the only real significance we have is momentary at best and a function of who were are being significant to. Beyond that, kings and celebrities find that their significance dies with them or very soon after.

For my part, I have come to realize that I am a nobody. I am sure I had a significance to someone somewhere at some time, but the sad reality is that such significance has long since waned and I find myself unable to affect even the most important things in my life or worst still in those that I love.

I have been plagued of late with failures, most of which are my own, and the dominance of failure in your life is a sure tell of how insignificant you have become.

Conversely success occasionally brings a light of relevance to our lives and makes us feel like we are something. But it rarely stays very long. I think most of the time, we are engaged in a struggle; one which mortality ensures that we lose in the very end.

I remember as a young man, I thought walking on water came easy and felt infallible in my views and actions. But life has a way of springing leaks in your feet and reminding you that in truth you are quite a distance away from perfection.

Being imperfect is only human and so that aspect of who I am doesn’t bother me as I once thought it might.

But being a nobody is a bother and it is a tough pill to swallow. It undermines your pride and feeling of self-worth. For my part, I am trying to find relevance among the creatures that I help here in my yard.

I am not sure to what degree they see me as a somebody and in truth I may just be the nobody that provides food and shelter for their little lives here with me.

Perhaps being that nobody is ok, then.

I will take it.

Just a thought …

Dream Interrupted

We went across to St Pete yesterday in time for the twilight and the skies obliged with some excellent colors and a mostly compliant cloud.

It was difficult to know when we first arrived if the cloud was going to steal the show but thankfully the sun was rising just slightly off center so that enough of its colors made it through to where we were standing.

It was wonderful to see other early birds getting out of bed on a Saturday morning and breathing in the beauty that mother nature was serving up. St Pete seems to have a pretty decent population of people that are driven by fitness or scenery or social activities, to pull back the covers and take that first step into a new day.

There were those that were walking, others jogging, some cycling, and even a spirited sunrise volleyball group that took control of the nets before the sun had the horizon. Fair play to them!

Anyway, I have a few shots at the end of the blog that I hope captured some of what we witnessed and in truth, we felt really fortunate to do so.

I hope you enjoy!

The strange thing was (and this is what drove the thought for today’s blog), I was reluctant to embrace the start of this day because my wakening interrupted a very good dream. I was in the middle of a good visit with my Dad when for some reason or other my mind decided that I had had enough and snapped me back into a reality of life without him. There wasn’t an alarm, nor a noise and Inna didn’t shake me awake. I just took a step away from a place where I was seriously happy and decided to wake up.

To say I was pissed off would be an overstatement but I was definitely disappointed in myself. Today, a day later, I still haven’t figured it out what it was that woke me.

I miss my Dad and anyone who knows me understands that he left a huge whole in my life when he went. So, what was it that tripped the switch and brought me back to this world that I live in?

And therein lies the thought that has been running around inside my mind for the past 24 hours. Retreating into our dreams can bring a wonderful counter-balance to a life we are unhappy with.

I know that some people dread their dreams, scared of nightmares and such. But for most of us, dreams are an extension of our state of mind and allow us to experience something that we can’t in the real world.

I say the “real world” but who is to say that this is the real world and the other just dreams? In fact, being godless, I often have thought that death must in many ways be that final dream that we never wake from. If we are lucky it is a good one and as we fade to black, we do so with a happy smile in our heart.

But whatever our dream experience, we should try to embrace them and understand what meaning they have for us. Sometimes, the meaning is trivial and other times profound. Sometimes we can’t even remember them when we wake up.

For my part I always take that first few waking moments and try to repeat the main aspect of the dream in my head. By so doing, I am trying to commit it in some part into my memory rather than just have it evaporate in the early morning mist.

Some of our best moments in life appear in dreams. If you are unfortunate, some of your worst moments may also.

But engaging with your dreams, understanding their origins, and occasionally finding the messages therein, can be a wonderful exercise for the mind and enriching to the existence we call life before that final one comes along.

… just a thought!

Still Waters

It was a mid-day visit yesterday at Circle B and while we knew that the temperature wouldn’t be ideal, I needed to escape work and do something enjoyable.

Yes, a couple of the trails were still closed because of aggressive alligator mating season, but the upside was that on a Friday around lunch time there would be almost no one else there.

As it turned out we saw less than five other people along the way and the temperature wasn’t too bad either.

We took the trail down to Lake Hancock and spotted a number of the usual suspects; Osprey, Herons, Egrets, Alligators, and even a Red Shouldered Hawk.

The surprising aspect was that when we reached the lake and particularly when we went out the small pier, we noticed how still the waters were. There seemed to be no movement at all and in some instances, a small layer of scum seemed to hug the waters as they approached the shoreline.

On the way back to the car we encountered lots of Butterflies, most of which were impossible for me to shoot as they kept moving. And on a picnic table spotted a fabulous Grasshopper who seemed very aware of me and so I took my shots quickly so as not to disturb him. The surface that he was on, made for a great setting.

I have loaded a number of the shots at the end of this blog and I hope you enjoy.

“Still waters run deep” was the initial thought that I left Circle B with, although clearly some of those fish would argue that it didn’t run deep enough.

But the thought stuck with me this past 24 hours and led to my thoughts for today’s blog.

You see, sometimes we look at people that keep to themselves and say nothing as “deeper” than the rest of us. “It’s the quiet ones that you have to watch” was something I heard a lot in Ireland growing up.

But the truth is that there is nothing admirable in being a still water. Sometimes it is simply because these people don’t have any thoughts worth sharing anyway. Similarly for the quiet ones that we are watching.

“Say nothing ’till you hear more” was often an advice given to people around me in an attempt to stifle their opinions until they were better informed.

But the truth is that quick opinions, gut reactions, and immediate responses, form the cornerstone of forward movement in our lives. People that deploy such concepts are generally the ones that make things happen, bring about change, and influence others.

Those who hold onto their opinion until all others have spoken are rarely heard and very often dismissed. This is because those engaging with or listening to the first voices, have already been influenced and are beginning to make their minds up. Some (the sheep) will have even already made their mind up on the very first input from those being vocal.

“Choosing your moment to speak” is advised as if it is a wisdom but it is wiser to make yourself heard and possibly be wrong that not being heard at all, even when you are right.

So, I guess what I am trying to say here is that if you have an opinion or a position on anything, it is important for you to get that opinion or position out there. Yes, there is always the possibility that you will be wrong. Maybe you will even be laughed at. But even this is part of life’s learning process.

Don’t be afraid to voice your thoughts as soon as you have them. Imagine the regret of the first mate on the Titanic who thought it might not be entirely prudent to race headlong into the dark waters, knowing that there were icebergs nearby, but said nothing.

Our biggest regrets in life are rarely about the things we have done but rather those we have not.

… just a thought!

Tiny Joys

I was in the middle of weeding yesterday. The yard has been quite wild forever and while I am really happy to have ferns growing all over the place, these last few months have seen them overtaken with an assortment of nasty vines and tall grasses.

So for the last few days I have spent a couple hours each day doing manual labor (which I hate) and begrudging most of it along the way.

My Dad used to love gardening and the property at Rosmadda was impeccable. It was a testament to his love for taking care of it.

Similarly, mine is also a testament. A testament to someone who avoids going into his yard at all costs.

In any event, as I am pulling and sweating and generally hating life, I spotted a tiny little frog clinging to one of the vines and obviously wishing I was back inside, ignoring the yard again.

She wasn’t any bigger than my finger-nail and I took a few pictures and have them at the end of this blog for you to check him out. I hope you find her as cute as I do.

Hope you enjoy.

The fact that I paused in the middle of something that I found miserable, and managed to find something so peaceful and sweet, made me realize that in so much of this life, peace and joy is where you find it.

It is easy to get lost in the weeds of life, pulling and pushing and consumed in each misery that grabs us.

But sometimes, we have to stop with the misery and look around us. We need to find that little something that we can recognize as being a good part of our moment and focus on it until it restores a little balance in our lives.

Even in the hardest of times, there is always something. We just need to stop struggling long enough to find it.

And it doesn’t need to be something huge and important. It doesn’t need to fully counterbalance the shit we are going through.

Its role is not to overcome the hardship that we find ourselves in. Maybe it won’t even turn our day around.

But at the end of the day when we rest our head on the pillow, we can cast our mind back to that one little joy that made life worth living today.

I called her “Joy” and she was my little moment . Such a sweetheart.

… just a thought!